What are the check-in and check-out times for InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong?
Check-in at InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong is from 3pm, and check-out time is 12pm. Contact the hotel directly at reservations@icgrandstanford.com for options available for early check-in or late check-out.
How much is parking at InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong?
Overnight valet parking is available at a daily rate of HK$600 or HK$70 per hour.
Is free parking available?
Some staycations offer complimentary parking, please contact Reservations Department at reservations@icgrandstanford.com for details.
Does InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong has a pool?
Yes, InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong has an outdoor pool.
Is there a fitness center at InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong?
Yes, there is an onsite fitness center at InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong.
Can I get a room upgrade / high floor?
Please contact Reservations Department at reservations@icgrandstanford.com for upgrade options and room preferences (subject to availability).
Is bathtub available in the guest room?
Guest rooms at InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong have either bathtub or standing shower. Please contact Reservations Department at reservations@icgrandstanford.com to state your room preferences (subject to availability).
Does InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong offer free Wi-Fi?
Yes, the InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong offers free WiFi.
Can I bring my pet to InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong?
Sorry, pets are not allowed at InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong, excluding guide dogs.
Does InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong have a restaurant on site?
InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong has 3 restaurants and 1 bar.